Co se developerské aktivity týká, k největším projektům ve výstavbě patří Logistics Park Lovosice (42 000 metrů) a rozšíření projektu CTPark Ostrava (28 400 metrů). Míra neobsazenosti klesla v polovině roku 2010 na úroveň 15,5 %, což je ...
The horses, and we, are in need for some "vacation". In this hotel we have free access to internet, and the time for some surprisingly reflection. 18, Űdavy, 22, Behind a Pub, not much grass but enough for one night. ... The way we find addresses, this horse drawn journey stops on the road asking some people and get the answers in Dutch!! 11, Lovosice (Usti nad Labem), 19, 19, On a Yaghtcub. The owner offers us a shower and brings two cold sizzling beers to the caravan. ...